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Northern Town Girl Crochets

Crochet, knits, Amigurumi

  • Writer's pictureNorthernTownGirlCrochets

I am very happy to announce that Baby Cuddlebun Jr is now available for download. You can find him here on my site but you can also find him through Ravelry and Etsy.

I have had so much fun creating Cuddlebun Sr and Junior. There is so much work involved behind the scenes before a pattern can even be published. It all starts with an idea in your head. Then you try and draw it out on paper so you don't forget the idea you want to achieve. Then you get the materials you need and start working on making that design a reality. There is a lot of making and frogging at this point as you try to make an idea work. Then you get an idea to work, you take pics so that you can guide the makers through the process of making it themselves. But not everyone gets pictures or word descriptions so than you make video tutorials to help explain the process. This is so time consuming especially if you don't have the right equipment to film your tutorial. I usually have to redo the video a few times because I would go off screen. So I would have to start all over again. So once you have that made you have to edit the videos removing any unnecessary details and than compress it and then upload to youtube. But we are not done yet, once you have the pictures you need, you have to edit those so they are decent quality photos. Then its time to type up the pattern, inserting all your pictures and videos into the pattern. Once that is all complete, you start looking for testers. Testers help with finding mistakes or typos, as well as whether they found the pattern easy or difficult. This process really helps you prepare your pattern for the public. Once the test is complete and edits are done, the pattern is made into a pdf and then compressed for loading to your sale sites. But your work is still not done, you have to promote your pattern, making reels or posts sharing your products.

Many may wonder why a pattern so expensive, but when you take into consideration how much work actually goes into developing a pattern before its even published, it helps us to understand that designers do an incredible amount of work just to get the pattern to the market. And if we were working outside the home we would not do that amount of work for nothing.

Here are the test results for Cuddlebun jr by my wonderful team of testers. These ladies can be found on Instagram.

TotallyHookD (Business)

Stitchesthroughthestorm21 (maker)

The dedication and hard work these ladies put into making the sloths has been incredible, despite taking care of their households and working outside the home. I am in awe of their support and love of crochet. Working with them was a breeze and great experience.

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  • Writer's pictureNorthernTownGirlCrochets

Two of course. Coming soon to Northern Town Girl Crochets, Cuddlebun Jr.

Ever since making my first sloth lovey back in 2021, I have been wanting to make an amigurumi version but just was not motivated to do so until this year when I finally released Cuddlebun. The more I looked at Cuddlebun I was like he needs a baby sloth, so came cuddlebun Jr. Working this pattern I came up with an easier and better way to do the mouth and also made it bigger so that the baby could have a soother. Now, not all may like having the soother option so 2 options are in the pattern. Smaller mouth and larger mouth.

Most of the pattern testers are completed their sloths so the pattern test could be released a little earlier than the planned date of the 23rd. Stay tuned. And check out my instagram page to see more slothy goodness.

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  • Writer's pictureNorthernTownGirlCrochets

I would have to say my Cuddlebun sloth is now my favourite pattern lol. I loved how easily he came together and the sweetness of his face.

Whenever I start a new pattern there is a little bit of anxiety wondering if I will actually achieve the look I am aiming for and as I made each piece I got more and more excited about his development. Once I got to the face there was that little twinge of anxiety again but as I took the time to consider how I wanted the sloth to look and I pushed past my fears this adorable face appeared and I couldn't be happier.

Pattern can be found now on Ravelry and Etsy

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