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Do you use Digital patterns or print?

Updated: Nov 25, 2019

Talking with my sister on Instagram yesterday is what has inspired this post today. My sister was crocheting a pair of winter slipper boots and she ended up having to frog her work because she had started to use the wrong size instructions. When using digital patterns the one thing that makes it more difficult is that you can easily get mixed up with all the size options and accidentally start making the wrong size item. When you print out the pattern this can be avoided by simply underlining the size you are making.

However many of us today have switched to just using tablets so that we no longer have to print out our patterns. That said if you do not use the right program than its harder to keep track of your size option.

I have been using ibooks for years, however that does not allow you to do anything with your pattern but read it. Another Instagram user suggested using Evernote. So I went looking for the program and soon realized my Ipad is too ancient to use the program and needed something compatible without causing crashing. In a quick search I found a program called Kybook. It has a rating of 4.5 stars out of 5. I have just the free version and the only advertising I see is when I am in my bookshelf and not when I am reading a pattern which is amazing for a free app. Most times apps put their ads right where they are most annoying so that you buy the program to get rid of them but not from what I see with Kybook.

I will share a few screen shots to show you the program, and if you head over to my instagram feed you can see a quick review I do of the program.

I am not sure if this is just for Ipad, but this is what I am using on my old jalopy and it works so far seamlessly. Though Ibooks is only a reader for some reason it is very slow to open and crashes on my poor old Ipad.

Once you have downloaded and installed the app you can start adding your pdf's to the program. Everything loads to your download folder. If you are like me and like everything neat and tidy than you can set up bookshelves. Since this is just for my crochet and knitting patterns I made a shelf called Knit and Crochet Patterns.

Than inside that shelf I gave many of my favourite designers their own shelf.

As you can see everything is neat and tidy and you can find your patterns easily. Now you are ready to start using one of your patterns and you picked out the next make and you want to underline the size you are making. So the next image will show you how that is done.

In this photo you can see the different size options available and if not paying attention you could accidentally start using the wrong size instructions. So to make it easier I have highlighted a size to show you how you can keep track of the size you would be working on. To do this you would simply press down on the screen til the size highlights and a little box with options pops up, you now click mark, and you can do that throughout the pattern and you can keep tract of your make. Now you are wanting to make a different size you can delete the ones you highlighted and than highlight the size you want or you can just highlight and change your colour. You can also leave yourself notes in the program as well.

Its a very simple and useful program for those who like simple.

I also just had another instagram user rave about using GoodNotes, she is able to write inside the program making herself notes and she said it is best using the apple pencil and is a paid program.

For this article though it was about using an older Ipad and not having it crash on you the minute you open up the program. So for simple use Kybook, if you have a newer tablet running an ISO over 10 than you can use Evernote or Goodnotes.

I hope you have found this post helpful and if you have apps that you find especially useful be sure to leave a comment and share so others who find this article helpful may be able to use your suggestion.

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