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Northern Town Girl Crochets

Crochet, knits, Amigurumi

  • Writer's pictureNorthernTownGirlCrochets

This was something I used to ignore because I never really understood it. Yes I know it had to do with how big or how small your item would be but I didn't truly understand what it meant and why I should care. When I first started knitting over 30 some years ago, there was no YouTube or podcasts or anything like this that truly helped one get the grasp on gauge until the last number of years. You no longer have to go to the library to find a resource book in hopes to find what you are looking for. There are so many wonderful makers or knit crochet instructors that help share their knowledge, tips and tricks and the one that I would like to share about today is Brittany from Bhooked. She has a two part series on her podcast that you do not want to miss.

She has taken questions from her followers and answers them in a completely logical and understandable way. As you listen you realize that you get it finally.

Below I will add both links to this amazingly informative podcast, I promise you, its worth a listen.

  • Writer's pictureNorthernTownGirlCrochets

My logo representing my business and small town
Northern Town Girls Logo

Finally I have my blog and shoppe in one place together. Trying to manage them both in different locations was time consuming and just not practical. So now I have them together in one convenient place. Having it all in one place will certainly make it easier for myself and any who visit my site.

I have created a new logo to represent my site as I wanted something that acknowledged my small town that I live in as well as my love of crocheting and knitting. What does a train have to do with my craft, well it doesn't but it does represent my town, seeing that our town was created for the railroad. The train in the image is a representation of the train that stands in our town seen in image below. Tell me what you think of my logo, is it okay or should I try again.

My goal is to try and be more regular in my blog post, this is a new venture for me so please be patient as I navigate through these new waters. Thank you for visiting and please say hello if you visit so I know you were here.

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